

Dear parents/caregivers,

This is just a reminder about the homework expectations in room 14. 

  1. We have a weekly quiz - which is designed to teach our children how to research on the internet effectively. They are not to guess the answers or rely on watching the News. We want to see our children working out what words to put into a search engine to find the right information
  2. Spelling is now optional - below are the lists. Children can pick one section and learn the words in their own time. In term 3, week 1, we will have a spelling bee for those that wish to progress in spelling. There is a small prize for the winning member of each group.
  3. Reading every night - reading news online, reading a novel, reading magazines/newspaper - anything! 
  4. Maths - Sumdog - lots of room 14 children do not do this at home and it is expected (as it has been paid for). We only use this once a week in class among all the other things we do. It would be great to see some children do this in their own time at home for maths maintenance.
  5. Class work. I will be listing all of the class work that is due each week so parents/caregivers are aware of what children might need to finish.This week:
  • B.S.P chapter analysis for chapters 13-16
  • Poppy art
  • WW2 Topic 
  • Edmodo symbols (due from three weeks ago)
  • Show, don't tell paragraph

Spelling Bee Challenge - Optional Spelling  - Test is week 1 term 3

You pick your group!

Spelling bee words



Most challenging
able, aftermath, afternoon, appear, attack, attend, breakfast, brightly, cabbage,cable, carpenter, channel, circle, climb, comfort, comical, confirm, construct, curtain,customer, damage, decide, delight, disappear, discover, empty, encourage, entertain,equal, exactly, forever, fruit, fuel, group, guard, guest, guide, guitar, handle, health,heart, heavily, helmet, idea, kindness, level, locket, lumber, magic, melon, meter,money, motor, mountain, partner, perfect, perhaps, personal, plastic, pocket,protect, provide, railway, record, reward, shoulder, socket, stranger, stroll, subject, suit,
supply, temper, theatre, total, toward, treatment, useful, vacant, windy, writer.
activity, afterthought, apartment, appoint, approve, beginner, boundary, breathe,calendar, caption, clothe, colony, competition, concern, condition, creature, crouton,currency, cycle, devotion, disguise, dishonest, distance, disuse, eager, education,exist, famous, feather, feature, fiction, fragile, friction, grateful, guardian, household,increase, industry, invention, junction, junior, lawyer, management, mayor,meanwhile, memorable, mention, metal, mightily, minister, nature, neither, option,pardon, passenger, pickle, picture, pleasure, popular, proceed, produce, professor,property, quartet, reason, recess, reduce, reduction, reply, route, scene, scent, stolen,supporter, sweater, teachable, televise, though, thread, tidal, triple, victory, volcano,wealth, weather, weird, wilderness, wrist.
achieve, acoustics, action, advertisement, anoint, apparel, appliance, awkward,burglar, calculator, capital, ceiling, cemetery, conscious, constant, detrimental,dominant, eighth, exasperating, excel, exert, exhale, extravagant, facility, faucet,frugal, jealous, language, leather, manageable, medallion, medicinal, overrule,precious, preferred, pronounce, propel, receive, recitation, reign, retrieve,significance, similar, simplicity, sleight, texture, territory, treachery, vain, valiant,veil, vein, virtue, visual, wren, wring.

Week 8 Term 1

Parents and caregivers, 
We have had quite a few interruptions to our learning time last week due to snorkeling and Might March Market. This has lead to us falling behind in our class work. For homework this week, please ensure your child works on these things at home and completes them by Friday. They can be found on their docs (you can access this via their email. If not, they can 'share' it to their email, so that they can have access at home). 

  • Alliteration story
  • Wanted bug poster ( a hook-in to our topic) - their is a detailed SC for this which I will add to the post. 
  • Survivor day recount (most of these are done, but some of the children that are struggling with time management or have been away have not completed them)
  • Picture book 'fish' response
  • Passport reading project
  • Maths work from class time - we have been learning about factors/primes/multiples
Other things that need to be done are: 
  • reading for as long as possible each night to maintain their reading level
  • going on Sumdog for maths maintenance

Success Criteria: SC for the Wanted Poster:
Task: Science Due 17th March...3 hours of class time given.
Create an A3 wanted poster for a ‘terrible’ bug or a bug that is under ‘threat’ that you want to find to save.

WALT: Re-organise information from a variety of sources to create a short, informative Wanted Poster for a bug of choice.
Science WALT: How do bugs help humans? AND What is a bug’s habitat?

Success Criteria: (discussed as a class what is needed overall...)

  • Bugs common name and scientific name
  • Bug classification
  • Description about the bug/insect
  • Interesting facts about the bug
  • Why it needs to be ‘found’ This means reorganising information - how does this bug help/hurt us? Why do we need it/not need it?
  • Bright and eye catching
  • Colour (computer or by hand)
  • Free of spelling errors

Order of categories needed to be displayed:
  • Name/ AKA
  • Scientific Name
  • Classification
  • Characteristics (looks like)
  • Diet
  • habitats
  • Destructive or helpful habits (what it does and who it destroys)

Week 6 Term 1
Homework will not go home this week. However, children are expected to read and use Sumdog.
We are missing lots of homework books (probably due to two days of Survivor) so I am unable to set this up. Children who have got their books today, will be given points in their bank books. Please remind your child to bring their homework book tomorrow.

Week 5 Term 1

This we we have Survivor Day, which is on Thursday and Friday. I will still assign homework, but I will check and mark it on the following Monday (week 6) giving children the weekend to complete as well. Although homework is considered compulsory, as this is completed in personal time and children have busy home lives, I will not be chasing up incomplete homework. 

To recap, the homework set is:

  • a recorded reading log
  • spelling words (15) which need to be actively learnt through writing, saying, and/or exploring on the spelling city site
  • Sumdog (no record, just time on the site)
  • quiz with supported research on one of the questions
  • Maths worksheet or activity to support in class work (this may be knowledge based or strategy) and is optional. For this, children need to come and see me.
  • Presenting quiz research as an information page.

Week 4 Term 1

Homework is now going home regularly.

Spelling has now been added to the list. Children should have 15 words a week. They need to actively practice spelling these words and using them in a sentence (they can just speak the sentences) so they know how the word is used and what it means. Spelling is a written skill so they do need the practice.
In room 14, words are personal based on individual needs (based on testing). Children will take words incorrectly used/spelled during the week from their literacy books and then add to this list words from their personal list (given based on their spelling age). If you feel that your child's list is too 'easy' or too 'hard', let me know. However, we are practicing spelling rules during lessons throughout the week, so they will be being taught spelling rules with other words/families/patterns etc.

Sumdog has now been set up and children will be given their login on Tuesday 21st of February. There is full access to the site, which adapts to the maths needs of your child depending on what they are able to do on the site. When used during lessons, they will be assigned tasks.

This week children have been given an adding and subtracting integers activity for maths. We covered this last week so if they have forgotten, see me or click on the link below.

Term 1 2017

Week 1 
There is no homework this week. However, there is an optional homework task that is due over the next two weeks. 

Optional Task...Repeat...Optional...

Create a slideshow presentation in Google Docs (accessed through your Waikanae School email) using Google Slides. Think about what information you want to share with me. Think about the slide as a visual representation of your letter to me. Consider the presentation such as  the colours you use, the background themes, the fonts, the layout and balance between words and pictures/photos. Explore Google Slides so that you become familiar with using it, and take full advantage of the different ways you can present information.

Idea's for information to include:

  • Basic details such as name, D.O.B, family members and hobbies...
  • What are your dreams? What do you want to be when you are older?
  • What books do you read in your spare time? What genres? What T.V shows and/or games are you into
  • What do you love to learn about? How do you learn best?
  • What are some of your favourite memories?

You can tell me about all of these things and more or just some of them. 

When you are finished, share the doc with me and I will save it in a folder of mine so we can look through it during the year when you are stuck for ideas to write about or stuck for inspiration for things to learn about.

No more than 6 slides so be creative about how you fill each one.

My letter presentation to you:Who is Mrs G?

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